Join us with Alders Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth and Angela Clay to learn more about how to decarbonize our homes and how to save on our utilities. We'll also share EEC action items, project updates, and other announcements. It's a friendly space to introduce yourself and get connected!
Our second monthly meeting of 2024 will host a Clean and Affordable Buildings Ordinance (CABO) listen, lead, share event with the 48th and 46th Wards, Sierra Club, Edgewater Environmental Coalition, Citizens Utility Board, One Northside, & 48th Ward Neighbors for Justice. It starts at 6pm rather than our regular time of 6:30pm.
6-7pm: Clean Buildings in Our Home
7-8pm: EEC Meeting / flex time
You are welcome to join for either or/both.
Join to learn how Chicago can shift to newer, more affordable, and more efficient all-electric technologies and build support for Clean Buildings policies that can protect our health and our economic well being by phasing out fossil fuels in Chicago’s buildings–and how you can take part. Hear from experts about how modern, all-electric heating and cooking appliances can provide dependable, clean, and affordable heat for our homes – and how getting gas out of our buildings can deliver benefits like safer air to breathe and energy savings.
Take part to learn more about the potential of clean buildings and build support in your community to ensure Mayor Johnson and City Council put Chicago on the path toward clean and affordable buildings.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 763 961 6511
In Person at 6018 N Kenmore.
Parking is street and is very limited, highly recommended to bike/walk/transit.
Accessibility note: Location is not wheelchair accessible, stairs have to be used to enter building.