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Walking Tour of Osterman Dunes

Visit Osterman Dunes for a guided walk and an informative experience!

Dates: 8/20 (6:30PM-7:30PM) and 9/15 (1:00PM-2:00PM)

RSVP Today!




Do you prefer sandy beaches and dunes or concrete walls with no swimming allowed?

Water, wind and wave action all erode our fragile shoreline. Dunes and other nature-based solutions protect our shores from erosion without harsh walls.

This walking tour shows how “green infrastructure” like dunes offer a better solution to shoreline protection.  It will explain how natural solutions can safeguard property, create wildlife habitat and build more beaches.

The Army Corps of Engineers is analyzing ways to protect Chicago’s shoreline from rising lake levels. You can help advocate for more environmentally friendly treatments when the decisions are being made.

This project is funded by a Friends of the Parks Seed Grant.

Also, make sure to check out our new nature based solutions topics webpage with a survey to contribute your views!

Accessibility Information: There are accessible places off paved pathways to sit; and water, bike racks, and restrooms right by the meeting place. The activities take place in mostly flat and some sandy areas that may be difficult to traverse for people with mobility challenges. Parking in the area is very limited to what you can find on nearby streets. Biking, walking, carpooling, or public transit is recommended.


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