We welcome student involvement! We have and will continue to partner with students, teachers, administrators, PTAs, LSCs, and parents. Groups we are currently in partnership with include:
Loyola’s incoming freshman - working on greening community projects
Senn High School students - volunteering on projects to receive credit for community actions
Loyola professors - included on community projects as part of the learning environment for students.
Community partners help supervise the process of specific environmental/sustainability projects
Many Edgewater schools would be considered 'green schools.' This title is defined by the schools' efforts to have robust recycling programs, improved lighting for energy efficiency and even special gardens or monarch habitats. The following Edgewater institutions are green schools:
Edgewater Schools
Senn High School
Steven K. Hayt Elementary
Goudy Elementary
Helen Peirce International Studies Elementary
LakeShore Schools
Sacred HeartSchools
NorthSide Catholic Academy
Swift Elementary
Chicago Waldorf School
Chicago Friends School
Families Together Nursery Cooperative