Our Impact
corner gardens tended
public events hosted
new trees planted
10-year Anniversary Summary (2010-2020)

Community Voice
Hosted 50+ public events bringing experts and the community together on climate, composting, energy, and water
Forged partnerships with 40th, 48th, and 50th Ward city council offices, as well as state and federal elected officials
Participated in annual lobby days in Springfield with Illinois Environmental Council
Organized annual bike and walking tours highlighting sustainability, preservation, and energy use
Organized Clean and Green Earth Days, in collaboration with local elected officials, bringing volunteers together with one objective: cleaning local parks, school, and public spaces
Spearheaded Green Schools initiative with 15 local schools, in collaboration with Ald. Osterman and IL State Senator Steans
Planted 150+ trees and awarded 50+ corner garden grants to beautify our neighborhood, enhance the urban canopy, and create habitat for wildlife
Restored native dune habitat at Osterman Beach, including the planting of more than 1,500 plants

Participated in Lake Shore Drive Visualization Task Force
Collaborated on concept design for the extension of the lakefront bike/pedestrian path from Hollywood to Thorndale
Supported efforts to make electric vehicle charging available to all communities in Chicago
Waste Reduction
Hosted 25+ residential recycling presentations for small- and mid-sized buildings
Established contact with 60 recycling block captains
Ensured that a 2 x 2 block area in Edgewater North was 100% compliant with new Chicago recycling ordinance
Supported and advocated for community composting programs

Supported a rotating loan for nonprofits to install solar panels, including at the Edgewater Historical Society
Conducted light efficiency survey of buildings, parks, and other publicly-lit areas in Edgewater
Supported diesel fuel emission reduction as part of the city’s diesel contracting ordinance
Participated in Citizens’ Climate Lobby group advocacy to place a fee on fossil fuel collection